

2021.04.26 子どもの森 日々の様子

Crafts and Caterpillars

What a fun day!! 
Today we did a lot of little crafts. 
Right from the start we started making heart and stars magic wands! 

After snack time and a nice little story; we went outside. The moment we stepped out the kids went into warrior mode! Trying to protect our house from the caterpillars! They took the brooms with bravery and stormed against their little and hairy enemies 🐛😱


After their intense battle I challenged the kids to some physical abilities; we pretended to be race cars drifting around obstacles, ran as fast as possible, used hoola hoops for Aim games. 
it was loads of fun! 

Once we got back inside I invited them to do a craft; we made some animals and trees out of cardboard, they were able to make their own little toys!! 

The day ended with a dance party!!! From the Macarena to English songs for kids.

Graciassss ❤️

Kodomo no Mori no family 🌱🌷