

2021.05.06 子どもの森 日々の様子

Ready, set, gooooooooo !!!✈️

Today was such a fun day!! Next week we are flying of to Brazil, so this week we are taking a little trip to the airport! 

A new teacher has joined our team; Lui, from Italy! 

TOgether we did some dances ; 

But we also talked about where we come from; the question of the day was: Where are we from? Can you guess? 

Which led us to talk about HOW did we get to Japan? Walking across the ocean? Driving? 

Of course flying! Since we are soon going to leave for Brazil all together; it seemed like a good idea to practice going to the airport! 

Everyone made a little line, waiting to receive their Passport and Boarding Passes : 

And after going through the metal detector they could access the plane; the pilot: Luiii!!! 


Very quickly the kids took over and started playing with the set! 


See you tomorrow for another fun day in the aiirrrrr ✈️

Kodomo no Mori 🌳