

2022.04.22 子どもの森 日々の様子

Dinosaur adventure part 2

Today, we travelled back in time again to play with dinosaurs! But first…

Lunch time and free play. Lunch was accompanied by an exciting story read by Miyuki sensei. Then, we had free play while waiting for Pablo sensei’s English time.

His circle time with Sakura gumi included topics like weather and colors. Then came Kiku gumi’s turn.


First, we learned about body parts, particularly around the face, and together we made a cute face out of clay. Each of the kids had the chance to make a piece. After that, the dinosaur section of the lesson came, this time focused on dinosaur eggs.



16 eggs were put in the middle of the room, while two dinosaurs were waiting for their eggs to return to them.
How many eggs can you pick up? The person who gathers more eggs wins!

A real dinosaur egg?! Can you see the baby dinosaur inside?

After this, we went outside to play. Things got very muddy!

It was a lovely way to finish the week. See you next time!