

2022.07.22 子どもの森 日々の様子

A walk through the jungle!

What an exciting day! Things started a bit wet, with a heavy morning rain, but then things got warmer. After playing together for a while, we had morning circle time, where we reviewed adjectives and played games related to the topic.

Plus, a preview game of the afternoon topic: animals!

Then came lunch and video time, where we enjoyed some very nice animations. When they were over, we switched to English time again. This time’s adventure was: safari!

Upon learning about the most famous safari animals, we played a game where we had to save animals by crossing an imaginary bridge. It seemd very simple at first, but the brigde would suddenly become narrower and narrower! However, everyone did great, so we managed to save the animals!

Finally, things got a bit wet again. Making the most of the nice afternoon weather, we went out to play with water. Everyone enjoyed it so much!

It was an awesome afternoon, full of fun and action. Happy weekend everyone!