Hello! We talked about the animals of the Savannah, now let’s make African huts inspired by the Ndebele tribe houses! 🛖 Fuji gumi started, they spent a lot of time looking at the pictures to try to recreate the style 🎨 …

2022.07.06 子どもの森 日々の様子
2022.07.05 子どもの森 日々の様子
Safari Binoculars 🦓 & 織姫と彦星 🌟 ❤️
Hello! Today we had a lovely peaceful day! Some students made Binoculars for the safari 🦓 🐆 Snack time ! ⭐️ Free play indoors because it was rainy ☔️ …
2022.07.04 子どもの森 日々の様子
Savannah animal games 藤組 Feed the animals 桜組
Hello ! Today both fuji and Sakura had a fun activity planned! Fuji gumi played games on the first floor with Miyuki and Junko Sensei ! How many letters are there in the word? Quick! Make groups! Cheetah …
2022.07.01 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egypt adventure
English time started with songs as a warm up, followed by a review of colors and numbers as an introduction. We did a game with cards to apply what we learned. Then, we moved on to the next topic: Egypt. We learned about pyramids, mummie …
2022.06.30 子どもの森 日々の様子
Savannah Animal Games 🐆 🐘 菊組
Hello Little explorers! It was Kiku gumi s turn to learn about the animals from the Savannah ! First we learned the dance moves to an African dance 🕺 Then we looked at a map from Africa 🗺 After learnin …
2022.06.29 子どもの森 日々の様子
Safari preparations ! Cardboard animals craft 🐆 🐘
Hello little explorers! Today the children helped make the animals for our future safari adventure ! After cutting the shapes we painted the animals ! A zebra 🦓, cheetah 🐆… And a cute elephant 🐘 & …
2022.06.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Savannah Animal Games 🐆 🐘 🦓 桜組
Hello Everyone! Today Sakura gumi had a lot of fun during our Savannah Animals introduction class! We started by doing some nice stretches ! And danced to some very fun African music! Dance like a cheetah! 🐆& …
2022.06.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Savannah Animal Games 🐆 🌞 藤組
Hello! Today Fuji gumi learned about the different animals from the Savannah. Then Miyuki Sensei did 2 really fun games ! How many letters in this animals name?! Quick make a group with the same amount of letters!! The …
2022.06.24 子どもの森 日々の様子
Animals in the African sabanna🐘🦁🦅🐫🐊🦛
今日はAmelie先生とのCircle timeで自己紹介をした後、アフリカのサバンナにいるElephant、Lion、Eagle、Camel、Crocodile、Camel、Hippoの中から好きな動物を選んで、イラストを見ながら絵を描きました。 みんなとても上手に描けたので、お …
2022.06.23 子どもの森 日々の様子
Boat up the Nile ⛵️ 菊組+ Evacuation Drill
Hello! Today Kiku gumi learned about the animals that live on and by the river! We went on a boat trip to find the African savanna ! Today was an important day as we practiced Earthquake evacuation Dril …