Hello! Today Kiku gumi travelled to deserts of Egypt and visited an old Pyramid ! We saw Egyptian gods and hieroglyphs ! Met a friendly black cat! 🐈⬛ And King Tut! Oh no a mummy! Even …

2022.06.08 子どもの森 日々の様子
Pyramid 🌞 Hieroglyph hunt 🏜 🐫 菊組
2022.06.07 子どもの森 日々の様子
Pyramid – Maze Hunt 🐪 💎 🇪🇬 桜組
Salam ! Today we travelled to the Pyramids in Egypt with Sakura gumi! We walked through hot and vast desert 🏜 Found the pyramids! Discover hieroglyphs! And King Tut! Look! A mummy!!! &nbs …
2022.06.06 子どもの森 日々の様子
Pyramid Hieroglyph Hunt! 🐪🇪🇬
Salam ! Today Fuji gumi went on a very exciting adventure! We walked though the vast and very hot desert 🏜 Until we found the great pyramids ! 🌞 We explored the cold hallways and found: H …
2022.06.03 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egypt 🇪🇬 hieroglyphs writing🐍
أهلا Welcome to Egypt! Today we discovered Egyptian hieroglyphs! Let’s write!!! Follow your imagination!!! we did it!!! We reviewed colors as hieroglyph writers! After snack time we had a playful afternoon! i …
2022.06.02 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egypt desert 2 🏜 🇪🇬
Salam Malekoum! Today Cristophe Sensei from France joined us in our trip to the Egyptian desert! Let’s make and play in the sand! Be careful with the snake!! It was really really fun! Then we spe …
2022.06.01 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egypt 🇪🇬 Playing in the desert 🏜
أهلا Welcome to Egypt! Today we travelled all the way to the sunny deserts of Egypt! ☀️ We found Egypt on the map in Africa 🗺 And walked for miles and miles until we found the desert …
2022.05.31 子どもの森 日々の様子
Evacuation Drill
Hello! Today was a very important day. We had an evacuation drill with Sakura gumi and Fuji gumi. After listening to Miyuki sensei we put on our Disaster Prevention Hood and went outside. Everyone took it seriously and did a re …
2022.05.30 子どもの森 日々の様子
Dinosaur 🦕 review! 🇫🇷
Bonjour! Today is the last day before our trip to Egypt 🇪🇬! By popular demand we decided to repeat the dinosaur excavation activity 🦴 That was quite fun! bye bye dinosaur 👋 See you nex …
2022.05.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Cavemen and fire 🔥
What a fun afternoon! We did one last review of shapes, and then played bowling with them. Then, we went back to the topic of the cave people, and we learned about how they learned to make fire by themselves. We s …
2022.05.26 子どもの森 日々の様子
Colorful water picnic! 💧 🎨 🤩
What a fun day!!! Today was sunny 😎 so we went outside to Play with some colorful water and make many fun looking juices! 🥤 🍎 We also put the colorful water into little bags! 😁 …