Bonjour! Today we had a fun circle time with Sakura gumi! How are you today? :) Today’s main activity: Dinosaur bones excavation! Let’s go digging! So many bones!! 📸 Say Di …

2022.05.10 子どもの森 日々の様子
Sakura Dinossaur excavation 🇫🇷 🦖 🦴
2022.05.09 子どもの森 日々の様子
Bonjour! 🥖 🧀 🇫🇷
Bonjour les amis! 🇫🇷 With Fuji gumi we went to a French bistrot and discovered what French people eat! Let’s try some Fromage! 🧀 Today’s activity: Learn how to make French crêpes ! 😋 &nb …
2022.05.06 子どもの森 日々の様子
Official passport 2 ✈️
今日は室内でゆったりと過ごしました。 桜組さんはお弁当を食べた後、Ishiro先生とのCircle timeで楽しい歌を歌ったりダンスをしました。 その後、まだパスポート作りをしていないお友達は、パスポートを作りました。自分のお顔を描いたり、名前、年齢、国籍 …
2022.05.02 子どもの森 日々の様子
Official passport ✈️ 🇫🇷
Bonjour ! 🇫🇷 Lunch time with Sakura gumi 🥰 Circle time! We sang the Hello Song and Walking walking 🎵 How are you today ? 😃 😡 🥱? We met with Monsieur Latin …
2022.04.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Airplane ✈️ 菊組
Hello 👋 Today we started with a fun circle time with Sakura gumi! 🌸 We sand and danced to the “Good morning” song, “Open shut” and “Happy and you know it!” Let’s practice colors in English ! 🎨 & …
2022.04.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Airplane ✈️ 桜組
Hello little adventurers! Today is Sakura gumi’s turn to play in the airplane! Lets goooooo ✈️ We met Rabbit Chan who is getting ready to go on a trip to France 🇫🇷! Let’s see what is in …
2022.04.26 子どもの森 日々の様子
Airplane ✈️ 🇯🇵 ➡️🇫🇷 藤組
Hello little adventurers! Today we embarked on an adventure! Next week we are going to France so let’s take an Airplane today! Write down your name on your tickets and passports ✈️ And let’s go through cu …
2022.04.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
Dinosaur adventure part 2
Today, we travelled back in time again to play with dinosaurs! But first... Lunch time and free play. Lunch was accompanied by an exciting story read by Miyuki sensei. Then, we had free play while waiting for Pablo sensei's English time. …
2022.04.21 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egg babies 🐣 Sakura
Hello 🐣! Lunch time with Sakura gumi 🌸 During today’s circle time we sang the Good morning song and learned how to say colors in English 🎨 Activity time! Let’s make baby animals that hatch f …
2022.04.20 子どもの森 日々の様子
Kiku – Egg babies 🥚 🐣
Hello! Today during snack time we started using a calendar to teach the days of the week and also the weather! Today was Cloudy ☁️ Activity time: Kiku gumi made different animals that hatch from eggs with …