Hello! Today with Junko sensei we made ねんど out of flour!!! It was so fun!!! 🤩 We mixed water, flour, salt and a little bit of oil! We even added colors!! Then we free played until it was time …

2021.11.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
Flour ねんど 🥖
2021.11.19 子どもの森 日々の様子
🌳Thanks letter 🍂🍃
今日は来週のThanksgiving dayにちなんで、Thanks letterを作り、木の幹にいろいろな色の絵の具で指スタンプの葉っぱをつけていきました。 Lolelie先生のstory timeです。 Free play time の様子です。 子どもの森ファミリー …
2021.11.18 子どもの森 日々の様子
Emergency Drill & Veggies craft 🍆 🎃 🍎
Good evening! Today we had an outside “earthquake evacuation drill”. 今日は、外で避難訓練をしました。 Once it was done we played outside until snack time. “Hold my hand!!!” After snack Time Kiku did t …
2021.11.17 子どもの森 イベントの様子
🌽Thanks giving harvest veggies 2 🍎
今日は桜組さんと菊組さんが、Thanks givingの野菜やフルーツを、段ボールと絵の具とエアパッキンを使って作りました。 藤組さんのFree play timeの様子です。 Lunch後にはお腹を休めるために、少しだけ音楽を聴きながらお昼寝ご …
2021.11.16 子どもの森 イベントの様子
Thanks giving harvest veggies 🌽 🍎
Hello !!! Today with Fuji we made some veggies for our Thanks giving event! We painted apples 🍎, Corn 🌽, and pumpkins! Very good job!! We played outside until it was time eat snac …
2021.11.15 子どもの森 日々の様子
Thanksgiving 🦃 🍂 Preparations!
Goood evening everyone!!!! Today we talked about the American tradition “Thanks giving!” 🌽 St Marcy’s Thanks giving parade! 🎈 yummy thanks giving food!! 🍗 Today’s activity was …
2021.11.12 子どもの森 日々の様子
Last day American diner 🇺🇸 🍔
Hello chefs!!! 👨🍳 Today was Sakura gumi’s turn to open their own American restaurant! 🍕 Put on your aprons and lets gooooo!!! Cake station! 🎂 🍔 station! ἵ …
2021.11.11 子どもの森 日々の様子
American Diner 🇺🇸 🍔
Hello Hello! Today Kiku gumi worked at our American restaurant! We made delicious burgers! 🍔 And cakes! 🍰 And pizza! 🍕 Here come the customers! While Kiku c …
2021.11.10 子どもの森 日々の様子
we ended the day making our own musical instruments.we use recycled material and rice. Can you shake and sing at the same time?. It is camping time. Let’s explore the nature one more time until the sunset. Today we went on an adventur …
2021.11.09 子どもの森 日々の様子
American Diner 🍔 🇺🇸
Hello little chefs! Today Fuji gumi opened their own American Diner in New York City 🇺🇸 !!! We made Cakes 🍰 and milkshakes ! 🍒 Burgers 🍔 and Pizza 🍕 ! While t …