こんにちわ!! 今日祭りweek 初めました! 純子先生と魚を作った!金曜日で釣りしましょう! We also made some necklaces and bracelets :) In the afternoon we made fireworks 🎆 out of origami . And put them all over th …

2021.08.16 子どもの森 日々の様子
祭りday 1 🎆
2021.08.05 子どもの森 日々の様子
Circus day 2 🎪
Good morning ! 🎈 As usual we started our day playing outside with water! We splashed around, looked for bugs and did some chalk drawings ! We also played with paint and mixed it with water! The program of the day …
2021.08.04 子どもの森 日々の様子
Wendsday 3 !!
今日もとても暑かったので、思いきり水遊びを楽しみました! 「冷た〜い!」 「葉っぱまでとどいた〜!」 「バナナジュースでーす!」 「お茶どうぞ!」 熱中症に気をつけながら虫採りもしました。 午後はMonica先生のCircle timeとActivityで、 …
2021.08.03 子どもの森 日々の様子
Circus 🎪 Day 1
Hello!!! What a fun fun day it was today! As it was sunny we played outside in the Morning, Found some Cicadas ! Bzzz bzzzz Int he afternoon the circus came to town! 🎪 it was an animals circus! …
2021.08.02 子どもの森 日々の様子
Water Play and circus week Preparations!
いい天気でしたね? In the morning we had some fun playing with water! We did some crafts with Junko Sensei! A few students helped me prepare for the circus party starting tomorrow! We painted some of the sculp …
2021.07.30 子どもの森 イベントの様子
Ceramic day 4! 🎨
Today was our last day of our great Ceramic week! Thank you for coming ! We had so much fun creating and painting :) Here are some pictures of the kids playing during free time! See y …
2021.07.29 子どもの森 イベントの様子
Ceramic day 3: Painting 🎨
Good morning my little artists 👨🎨! Today half of our students painted their beautiful little sculptures! Beware of the green snake! 🐍 Beautiful little pink bunny! Cute peng …
2021.07.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Wednesday 2 !!
今日のお天気は晴れたり曇ったり…だったので、タライで水遊びをしました。 何しているのかな? 「トンボさ〜ん!!」 「2階の窓までとどけたいの!」 「お水のドレッシングをどうぞ!」 「先生にもかけちゃうぞ!」 「雨だ〜」 室内では工 …
2021.07.27 子どもの森 イベントの様子
Ceramic day 2 😁
Helloooooo! Day 2 Ceramic! Let’s go!!! Today we made many things! Every group had different and fun ideas! Hmmm ice cream! 🍦 After building beautiful sculptures we spent the rest o …
2021.07.26 子どもの森 イベントの様子
Fun fun day! first day of ceramics! We had a lot of fun trying to make things and improvising as well!! Beautiful bowl! Hello mr penguin! One of the experiments we did today was leaf printi …