Bonjour Bonjour! Once more we put on the Little red riding hood Shadow puppet play! Everyone loved it! After the show we went outside to play “what time is it Mr Wolf” Today’s story :) We played outside …
2021.06.24 子どもの森 日々の様子
Day 2 of Shadow theater 🎭
2021.06.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
赤ずきんちゃんShadow Puppet!
Bonjour! Today we told a very famous French story: 赤ずきんちゃん! or : Le petit Chaperon Rouge! We made a shadow puppet theatre; everyone seemed to really enjoy! Then we went outside to play Mr Wolf What time is it? 狼 …
2021.06.21 子どもの森 日々の様子
Free Play day!
Good morning! 今日ミニグラウンドに行った! 本当にたのしかた。 チリ人パブロ先生と遊びました! 森で絵を描いました。 後で部屋で遊びました。 We finished the day with a dance party! 🕺 …
2021.06.18 子どもの森 日々の様子
Let’s get messy! ♥️🙌
What a fun day! Before snack time we went to the mini ground to play with our butterfly nets! The activity of the day was painting ねんど! It got very messy but it was so much fun! With painted hands w …
2021.06.17 子どもの森 日々の様子
Day 2 of Dinosaur bone digging!
Here we go! Second day of Dinosaur bones digging! 🦕 After showing the instructions we went to work! Get your shovels and let’s find the dinosaur bones! After reassembling the dinosaur we pla …
2021.06.15 子どもの森 日々の様子
Dinosaur bones excavation!🦖 🦴
Bonjour ! Today we travelled to the “Grottes de Lascaux” ! We talked about cave drawings at first and their animals. Yesterday I was in the garden and I found a dinosaur head! Let’s go outside and find the rest of it bod …
2021.06.14 子どもの森 日々の様子
Outside play and Matisse 🎨
Bonjour! Today we started by playing outside; 今日、おやつの前に外であそびました。 Today’s story! Oh program of the day was making a collage inspired by French artist Matisse! 👨🎨 …
2021.06.11 子どもの森 日々の様子
Catching the sky 🎨
Happy Friday! Today we had a very special project; inspired by France and it’s love for Art we went outside to make our own very big painting! The wind kept blowing and it was really funny running towards or runn …
2021.06.10 子どもの森 日々の様子
🥞 Crêpe time! 🇫🇷
Bonjour! Today was so much fun!!! We went back to France and ate a lot more!! Today we looked at the flag and the different landmarks of Paris. After giving everyone a passport we flew to Paris! Ti …
2021.06.08 子どもの森 日々の様子
1st day of 🇫🇷 ! French restaurant!
Bonjour Madames et monsieurs! Today was our first day in France! Before our trip we warmed up with some fun dancing; Then talked about the world; last month we went to Brazil. Everyone said : Bom dia! Today we are going …