Happy Friday! Today we had a very special project; inspired by France and it’s love for Art we went outside to make our own very big painting! The wind kept blowing and it was really funny running towards or runn …

2021.06.11 子どもの森 日々の様子
Catching the sky 🎨
2021.06.10 子どもの森 日々の様子
🥞 Crêpe time! 🇫🇷
Bonjour! Today was so much fun!!! We went back to France and ate a lot more!! Today we looked at the flag and the different landmarks of Paris. After giving everyone a passport we flew to Paris! Ti …
2021.06.08 子どもの森 日々の様子
1st day of 🇫🇷 ! French restaurant!
Bonjour Madames et monsieurs! Today was our first day in France! Before our trip we warmed up with some fun dancing; Then talked about the world; last month we went to Brazil. Everyone said : Bom dia! Today we are going …
2021.06.07 子どもの森 日々の様子
Ball games and Musical chairs 🪑
Hello! Today is our last day before the big trip to France! Since a lot of kids came today we separated everyone; With Kiki gumi we went to the Mini ground and did a lot of different activities! We did some volleyball;&nbs …
2021.06.04 子どもの森 日々の様子
Happy Friday 🌳 This rainy day was peaceful and sweet. It allowed us to really use a lot of English! Today’s activity was watercolour; but everyone had to say “I want....” when choosing a colour! We used it for many t …
2021.06.03 子どもの森 日々の様子
Dodgeball 🏀
Hellooooo! Today was really fun! We had a freeze dance party to start the day; Followed by a game of Dodgeball, though it was hard for them to understand they need to run from the ball instead of trying to catch it, everyo …
2021.06.01 子どもの森 日々の様子
Catch the Flag!! 🚩
Goooood morning! Today was really fun! During our activity time we explained a really fun game that we were going to play at the mini ground ! Here we go!! It’s time to play Catch the flag!! Red and Blue team are ready to f …
2021.06.01 子どもの森 日々の様子
Good Monday everyone! Today we played a fun game after reviewing some of the kids for animals from last week; We decided to play outside , fun times! After the big group game we spent most of the afternoon playing outs …
2021.05.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Monkey day 🍌
Happy Monkey day! Today our monkey friend was reeeeeallly hungry and asked us to go into the forest and find some bananas. Everyone had a lot of fun running around looking for them!! After the long hunt we set camp and played a …
2021.05.25 子どもの森 日々の様子
Ahoy!! 🏴☠️ Today Lui Sensei planned the program! He prepared for us a Pirate Picture treasure hunt. We started in the room; and listened to his story ! Here we are all; getting ready for …