Ready, set, gooooooooo !!!✈️ Today was such a fun day!! Next week we are flying of to Brazil, so this week we are taking a little trip to the airport! A new teacher has joined our team; Lui, from Italy! TOgether we did …

2021.05.06 子どもの森 日々の様子
2021.04.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Camping!! 🏕
Helloooooo!!! What an amazing adventure we had today! 🌳 To finalize the theme of April “Explorer Bootcamp” today we worked on our Camper skills! We started our day with some English songs and some fun dancing ! &nbs …
2021.04.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Dodge ball and Biiiiiig drawings
Bonjour! 🐭 What a wonderful day! We started our afternoon with a circle time singing some English songs for kid ( Hello Hello/ Walking Walking/ If you are happy and you know it), everyone seemed to have a lot of fun! They eve …
2021.04.26 子どもの森 日々の様子
Crafts and Caterpillars
What a fun day!! 🌺 Today we did a lot of little crafts. Right from the start we started making heart and stars magic wands! After snack time and a nice little story; we went outside. The moment we step …
2021.04.23 子どもの森 日々の様子
Games & Water🦦
Bonjour! 🌻 What a great day! With the Sakura kids we went to the Mini ground after lunch, it was so lovely to play with them there! We saw ghosts, played a catch the snake game, and even tried to do some soccer! …
2021.04.23 子どもの森 日々の様子
Professional Photographers!
Hello Hello Hello! 🐞 Today we had a fun day with Monica sensei ! We revisited an activity we did earlier this week; making cameras!!! But today we took them outside and took pictures …
2021.04.21 子どもの森 日々の様子
Sweet and sunny 🌞
Hello! 🌵 Today was a sweet, sunny and calm day! Right after lunch we decided to take everyone to the mini ground, everyone had a lot of fun running around the forest :) Its a great place for the Fuji girls to passionately play きめつのや …
2021.04.20 子どもの森 日々の様子
What an adventurous and fun day! 🐒🌻 We continue our journey as adventurers with a lot of excitement! We started of the day by taking the Sakura kids to the ”ミニグラウンド“ after their lunch! We played with lizards and …
2021.04.19 子どもの森 日々の様子
Tiny travellers Bootcamp!
Hello, Bom-dia, and こんにちわ!🌱🐞 This is our first post for the Kodomo no Mori blog! Miyuki sensei, Junko sensei, and I (Nora ) are very excited for this new journey! よろしくお願いします! Everyday I will be writing here …
2021.03.16 子どもの森 日々の様子
今日はポカポカ外あそび日和でした。 鬼ごっこ、縄跳び、泥だんごづくり、泥あそび、そり滑りなど、それぞれ好きなあそびをめいっぱい楽しみました。 最後の日も、いつもどおり楽しく笑顔が絶えない一日でした。 今日のあそびの様子です。 ↑お花を集めて …