It was a really exciting morning. After English circle time, we made the most of the great weather and played with water. We had a great time throwing water at each other! After lunch, water remained the theme of the day. This time, though, …

2022.07.29 子どもの森 日々の様子
Down in the deep blue sea
2022.07.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Water play ☀️ Ocean Animals 🌊
Aloha 🌸 A new beautiful sunny day! Let’s start the day with nice stretches 😁 Can you tell us: What day of the week is it? What month is it? What day is it? and How’s the weather?&n …
2022.07.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
🌈Water play 2🐠
今日はまずNora先生のCircle timeで、ハワイアンミュージックに合わせてストレッチをしたり、Days of week、Month、Date、Weatherの確認をしました。 It's sunny and hot today!!!ということで、水遊びへLet's go!! …
2022.07.26 子どもの森 日々の様子
Ocean Painting 🌊 🎨
Hello Everyone! Good morning and stretching time! 🧘 Today we reviewed Feelings and last week vocabulary! Angry, Happy, Dizzy, Sad, Scared Cool, Cute, Strong, Smart, Kind In Todays Dived deep into the ocean …
2022.07.25 子どもの森 日々の様子
Hawaii Ocean introduction! 🏝 🐬
Good morning little fish 🐠 Good morning circle time ☀️ Today was a beautiful sunny day so we had our first 水遊び of Summer camp! 💧 It was really really fun! …
2022.07.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
A walk through the jungle!
What an exciting day! Things started a bit wet, with a heavy morning rain, but then things got warmer. After playing together for a while, we had morning circle time, where we reviewed adjectives and played games related to the topic. Plus, a …
2022.07.19 子どもの森 日々の様子
Fashion show Preparations 🌈 ✨
Hello Fashionistas! 🌈 We started the day with our usual Morning stretches ! And then we talked about the Fashion show happening tomorrow?! What costume are you wearing? Today everyone helped us decorate for the …
2022.07.15 子どもの森 日々の様子
We are superheroes!
Today was a SUPER day! In the morning, after cleaning up the toys we used, we had English circle time. We started stretching, and then reviewed this week's vocabulary: adjectives. Then, we had free play and lunch. Some of us even made some …
2022.07.14 子どもの森 日々の様子
Costumes craft! 🦸 👸
Hello Princesses and Heroes! As usual we started our day with a good Morning circle time 🎶 We did our morning stretches 🧘 And sang our good morning song 🎶 Time to review the new wor …
2022.07.13 子どもの森 日々の様子
First day of SUMMER CAMP ☀️ 😎( ☔️)
Hello little Campers! Welcome to our first day of summer camp! We started with Nice stretching 🙆♂️ Then we learned a new Good morning song! What is todays date?! Hows the weathe …