Hello! Today Fuji gumi learned about the different animals from the Savannah. Then Miyuki Sensei did 2 really fun games ! How many letters in this animals name?! Quick make a group with the same amount of letters!! The …

2022.06.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Savannah Animal Games 🐆 🌞 藤組
2022.06.24 子どもの森 日々の様子
Animals in the African sabanna🐘🦁🦅🐫🐊🦛
今日はAmelie先生とのCircle timeで自己紹介をした後、アフリカのサバンナにいるElephant、Lion、Eagle、Camel、Crocodile、Camel、Hippoの中から好きな動物を選んで、イラストを見ながら絵を描きました。 みんなとても上手に描けたので、お …
2022.06.23 子どもの森 日々の様子
Boat up the Nile ⛵️ 菊組+ Evacuation Drill
Hello! Today Kiku gumi learned about the animals that live on and by the river! We went on a boat trip to find the African savanna ! Today was an important day as we practiced Earthquake evacuation Dril …
2022.06.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
Boat up the Nile ⛵️ 🐊 🦛 桜組 菊組 🌞
Hello! Today Sakura gumi and Kiku gumi dived into a really fun adventure. Lets say goodbye to Egypt and all the way down to the African Savanna! To get there let’s get on a boat and roam up the Nile! We had to cross …
2022.06.21 子どもの森 日々の様子
Boat up the Nile ⛵️ 🐊 🦛 桜組
Hello! Today Sakura gumi left Egypt with Ishiro sensei! l We said goodbye to the pyramids and Hello to the Nile! Let’s take a boat and go up the Nile ! ⛵️ But first let’s takes a look at the animals …
2022.06.20 子どもの森 日々の様子
Boat trip up the Nile 藤組 ⛵️🐊🦛☀️
Salam little explorers! Today Fuji gumi embarked on a really fun adventure! It is time for us to leave Egypt and start sailing ⛵️ down to Tanzania ! In order to get there we need to go down the Nile, which means …
2022.06.17 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egypt 🇪🇬 Making a pyramid!
Welcome to Egypt! Today we made a pyramid with paper cups! we did a great job and we reviewed some gods... ... then... we played another game with pyramid and shapes! After snack time we had a quiet a …
2022.06.16 子どもの森 日々の様子
God Amulets Hunt 🏃♂️ 菊組
Hello! Kiku gumi went to the mini ground to look for special Egyptian gods Amulets! We need to find them all if we want to open the box ! 🤫 Let’s gooooo! Found one! Let’s keep looking! …
2022.06.15 子どもの森 日々の様子
Egyptian Drawings ✋ ✏️
Hello everyone! Like every Wednesday everyone came to Kodomo no Mori to have lunch 🍱 After lunch time we played around 🤩 Junko sensei opened up the parachute and everyone had a lot of f …
2022.06.14 子どもの森 日々の様子
Hello! Today we had a fun day with Sakura gumi! First we danced and sang some songs! Today’s activity was inspired by the Egyptians Gods! First we pose like Egyptians ! Then we painted the de …