Bonjour! Today is the last day before our trip to Egypt 🇪🇬! By popular demand we decided to repeat the dinosaur excavation activity 🦴 That was quite fun! bye bye dinosaur 👋 See you nex …

2022.05.30 子どもの森 日々の様子
Dinosaur 🦕 review! 🇫🇷
2022.05.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Cavemen and fire 🔥
What a fun afternoon! We did one last review of shapes, and then played bowling with them. Then, we went back to the topic of the cave people, and we learned about how they learned to make fire by themselves. We s …
2022.05.26 子どもの森 日々の様子
Colorful water picnic! 💧 🎨 🤩
What a fun day!!! Today was sunny 😎 so we went outside to Play with some colorful water and make many fun looking juices! 🥤 🍎 We also put the colorful water into little bags! 😁 …
2022.05.23 子どもの森 日々の様子
Carnival Preparations 🎪 🎡 🎉
Bonjour! Tomorrow we have a very exciting and fun French carnival party! 🎉 🎈 So today we talked about what we are going to do tomorrow ! Then we watched some circus and carnival videos to get an idea of …
2022.05.19 子どもの森 日々の様子
Kiku French restaurant 🇫🇷 Crêpes 🍓
Bonjour! Today was Kikus gumi’s turn to learn about French food and make crepes ! We walked from the dinossaur park all the way to Paris to eat French food! Let’s try some escargots 🐌! Or stea …
2022.05.18 子どもの森 日々の様子
Sakura/ Kiku French Crêpes 🥞 🍓 🇫🇷
Bonjour! We had a really fun day, thank you for coming! After lunch time we played inside until 13:00 😊 Today Sakura and Kiku gumi had a class together! After doing some stretches we met with Mon …
2022.05.17 子どもの森 日々の様子
Sakura-gumi Circle Time + Free Play!
Making jokes and having fun with toys! They found fruits outside! Wow! That’s a long sword! Princess! Are you angry?? Are you happy? Are you sad?? [caption id="attachment_27337" ali …
2022.05.16 子どもの森 日々の様子
Museum- Painting exhibition 🇫🇷
Bonjour petits artistes 👨🎨 🇫🇷 Today Fuji gumi learned about museums and made their own paintings to exhibit! 🖼 Let’s get started! Everyone made very differ …
2022.05.13 子どもの森 日々の様子
Invent the wheel!
This afternoon, we travelled back in time to learn about how our ancestors lived in caves, and one of their most important inventions: the wheel. Our circle time began with a review of the different types of shapes; circle, heart, square, etc. A …
2022.05.12 子どもの森 日々の様子
Cavemen Painting 🦴 🦣 🖐
Bonjour! 🇫🇷 After a really fun expedition to the dinosaur park yesterday, today we visited a cave ! We found cavemen painting ! Today we played like Cavemen and painted our …