Today we played outside, cooking with the mud that left the rain. can you swing on the log? Teacher Josefina brought her ukelele, let’s play music!! Do you know what is the sound of the rain or the wind? Let’s review …

2021.12.01 子どもの森 日々の様子
Music and play day
2021.11.30 子どもの森 日々の様子
Hello Everyone ! Today we had a fun craft with Miyuki sensei making origami snowflakes! ❄️ Then we went outside to decorate our Christmas tree and a Christmas wreath 🎄 …
2021.11.29 子どもの森 日々の様子
Christmas 🎄 English class! 🥳
Hello everyone! Christmas is getting closer and closer! So today we had an English class about Christmas with Kiku and Fuji! 1st to go was Kiku! First we danced around and played the freeze game 🥶 Ho Ho Ho dz …
2021.11.26 子どもの森 日々の様子
Last day of Thanks giving 🦃 🍁
Hello little ones!!! Today was our last Thanks giving party day!! 🎉 Our first really fun activity : Thanks giving harvest Scavenger hunt!! 🍎 🍇 🎃 Let’s go!!!!!! There’s a pumpkin!!&n …
2021.11.25 子どもの森 日々の様子
Thanksgiving day! 🍁
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! 🦃 🍁 Today we had many fun activities planned ! First game: Thanks giving harvest Scavenger game! Let’s look for all the pumpkins, apples and corns 🌽 in the forest! …
2021.11.24 子どもの森 日々の様子
🥐 Flour ねんど 2 🍞
昨日は菊組さんが小麦粉粘土のactivityを行ったので、今日は桜組さんと藤組さんが小麦粉粘土を作って遊びました。 Free play timeの様子です。 お米でマラカス作りもしました。 子どもの森ファミリーɶ …
2021.11.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
Flour ねんど 🥖
Hello! Today with Junko sensei we made ねんど out of flour!!! It was so fun!!! 🤩 We mixed water, flour, salt and a little bit of oil! We even added colors!! Then we free played until it was time …
2021.11.19 子どもの森 日々の様子
🌳Thanks letter 🍂🍃
今日は来週のThanksgiving dayにちなんで、Thanks letterを作り、木の幹にいろいろな色の絵の具で指スタンプの葉っぱをつけていきました。 Lolelie先生のstory timeです。 Free play time の様子です。 子どもの森ファミリー …
2021.11.18 子どもの森 日々の様子
Emergency Drill & Veggies craft 🍆 🎃 🍎
Good evening! Today we had an outside “earthquake evacuation drill”. 今日は、外で避難訓練をしました。 Once it was done we played outside until snack time. “Hold my hand!!!” After snack Time Kiku did t …
2021.11.15 子どもの森 日々の様子
Thanksgiving 🦃 🍂 Preparations!
Goood evening everyone!!!! Today we talked about the American tradition “Thanks giving!” 🌽 St Marcy’s Thanks giving parade! 🎈 yummy thanks giving food!! 🍗 Today’s activity was …