Today we had a nice circle time taking about the weather and reviewing what we learned about Scotland. Then we watched a scene from Brave! For them to understand the Highland games which we will be hosting on Thursday and Friday! dz …

2021.09.27 子どもの森 日々の様子
Highland games + 🎥
2021.09.24 子どもの森 日々の様子
English class and time in nature 🍃
We started the day by singing Hello, Goodbye by the Beatles! Some of the kids remembered it from last week, really fun! Then we had a little circle time to practice saying their names and their favourite colours in English! W …
2021.09.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
お月見🌙 2
みなさん昨日の夜はお月見しましたか?昨日は藤組さんと菊組さんだったので、今日は桜組さんがお月見のActivityをしました。 Lorelei先生のCircle timeとActivityでは菊組さんが海の生き物について教えて …
2021.09.21 子どもの森 日々の様子
お月見 🌙
お月見! 🌙 Today Junko Sensei prepared many activities about Otsukimi! We talked about it, and we read a book! 14ひきお月見。 We listened to an old Japanese song うさぎ うさぎ Then we made ダンゴ and bunn …
2021.09.17 子どもの森 日々の様子
Nature day 🍃
Today was a Nature day 🍃 We spent a lot of time outside looking for insects 🕷! This is our pet snail: Mo kun! 🐌 We also did some archery And built a camp site! 🏕 & …
2021.09.16 子どもの森 日々の様子
Tartan paper weave craft 🏴
Thank you for today! Today’s craft was inspired by Scottish Tartans checker design! We weaved paper together to create some beautiful designs! It was a bit difficult but we did it! Before snack time i i …
2021.09.15 子どもの森 日々の様子
Hello Lorelei-sensei !!
今日は新しい先生のLorelei先生が来てくれました!桜組さんとのCircle timeとActivityでは、楽しい歌を歌ったり、形や海の生き物について教えてもらったりゲームをしました♪ また藤組さんとアーチェリーをしたり、 一緒におもちゃで遊びま …
2021.09.14 子どもの森 日々の様子
Scotland day 2 🏴 🏹
Day 2 of Scotland 🏴! We started by doing our family crests, we discussed what each animal means: elephant is wise, heart is love, lion is strong 🦁! …
2021.09.13 子どもの森 日々の様子
Scottish craft and archery! 🏹 🏴
Hello! This month we are going to Scotland, we have a lot of fun activities planned! This week we will start by doing a fun little Stencil craft to make Scottish like family crests! Then we went o …
2021.09.03 子どもの森 日々の様子
Hello :) Today was our last day before the big trip to Scotland! since it was raining we spent the day inside reading, crafting and playing. Then we went fishing 🎣! We made our own fished out of recycled materia …