Free play day! It stopped fainting for a little bit so we took advantage of it and played outside. We made a house for a snail, with a beautiful flower garden! And a boat We sewed a leaf skirt ! …

2021.07.09 子どもの森 日々の様子
Snails 🐌 and movie 🎥
2021.07.08 子どもの森 日々の様子
How’s the weather? ☔️ 天気はどう?
今日は本当にたのしかた! 天気について話しました. レッスンの前にダンスをしました。 みんなは英語で: Sunny/ hot を習いました。 Sun game ☀️ 遊びました。気をつけて!暑いです!! 英語で Cloudy/ Rainy を習いました。 Goodn …
2021.07.06 子どもの森 日々の様子
Costumes and books! 🎉
Hello! Today we started the day with an activity with Junko sensei! We made fun little accessories, and danced to Let it go from Frozen! Then Nora sensei read “We’re going on a Bear hunt” followed by some fun active games …
2021.07.01 子どもの森 日々の様子
Rainy day 💧 and water beads ✨
Hello :) Today we had a very colourful day despite the bad weather; We played with ballons Built trains; did some drawings; (today’s story) Then we played with colourful water beads! Ready, se …
2021.06.29 子どもの森 日々の様子
Free Play day
Today we had a free play day! We played at the mini ground. Caught some bugs; Caught some friends Played some ball Miyuki and Junko sensei read us a story; Back outside we did some cooking; Played wi …
2021.06.28 子どもの森 日々の様子
Leaf picture 🍃 🌸 🖼
Today with the Kiku class we went to the mini ground! After having a little English class about how to say different plants in English we went looking for them! We put what we found on our paper ! Good job e …
2021.06.25 子どもの森 日々の様子
Magical tent and Water beads 🤩
What a wonderful day! Our first activity was to build a tent; Everyone seemed pretty sleepy so Junko sensei read us a book in bed :) Then it was time for the second part of the program! Decorating the tent with pretty leaves …
2021.06.24 子どもの森 日々の様子
Day 2 of Shadow theater 🎭
Bonjour Bonjour! Once more we put on the Little red riding hood Shadow puppet play! Everyone loved it! After the show we went outside to play “what time is it Mr Wolf” Today’s story :) We played outside …
2021.06.22 子どもの森 日々の様子
赤ずきんちゃんShadow Puppet!
Bonjour! Today we told a very famous French story: 赤ずきんちゃん! or : Le petit Chaperon Rouge! We made a shadow puppet theatre; everyone seemed to really enjoy! Then we went outside to play Mr Wolf What time is it? 狼 …
2021.06.21 子どもの森 日々の様子
Free Play day!
Good morning! 今日ミニグラウンドに行った! 本当にたのしかた。 チリ人パブロ先生と遊びました! 森で絵を描いました。 後で部屋で遊びました。 We finished the day with a dance party! 🕺 …